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The new design of efficient boiling dryer will achieve new growth Time:2015-08-24
  Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Kay Engineering efficient boiling dryer technology is widely applied in the field, and with the continuous development of science and technology and progress, efficient boiling dryer technology applications will further broaden the potential market is very large.
Agricultural products, for example, the Japanese-owned agricultural equipment and efficient boiling dryer roughly 150 to 170 million units, while China only 20,000 units. On the one hand, indicating the degree of mechanization of agriculture is not enough; crops efficient boiling dryer, direct impact on crop industry boiling dry goods China started late, rapid development, prospects for good quality, such as rice, "fissuring", cracks, etc. not threshing, but by efficient boiling dryer methods and efficient boiling dryer technology issues. Different methods of efficient boiling dryer and efficient boiling dryer technology will affect the taste and nutrition of crops.

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