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Dehydrated vegetables drier areas of the application range of the ratio Time:2015-08-24
  Dehydrated vegetables drier areas of the application range of the ratio , the vibration helps disperse materials , such as choosing the right vibration parameters , and easy for ordinary fluidized bed agglomeration or generate smooth channeling of material fluidized drying ; material from the inlet into the machine within the vibrating force , the material thrown forward horizontally continuous motion , thus significantly reducing power consumption , wear and dust particles entrained . Dehydrated vegetables dryer little damage on the surface of the material can be used for drying of fragile materials , the use of fully enclosed structure , effectively prevent the material cross-contamination with the outside air , the operating environment clean ; rely on mechanical vibration and the dual role of perforation flow stream oriented and forward movement under the action of the vibration .
Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Kay Engineering dehydrated vegetables drying machine is a special purpose enhanced drying device , which is usually the final drying of the material used , with good drying functions, but also according to process needs with granulation of materials , cooling, screening and conveying such processes is that the whole body vibration fluidized bed via a spring supported on the base, the discharge end of the perforated plate slightly tilted on one side or both sides of the body with the vibration motor .
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